Friday, July 13, 2012


Tinkerbell and Lil' Man watching our Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, Hisserella, check out her remodeled cage.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


My oldest is an animal lover.  Her favorite is horses of course.  Every time a new movie comes out or book lands in her lap, she discovers a pet she would like to own. We have easy ones such as a Saint Bernard (big, but doable),  a horse (we live in town, so a no go),  tigers and lions (my husband's allergic to cats, does that count?) and now the latest, from the movie Brave, she wants a bear.  I love her imagination to own wild, exotic animals.  Some day she will realize they belong in the wild not in a her house... I hope:\

Park fun

We took advantage of a beautiful evening to take the kids to the park.
Lil' Man enjoyed the climbing bars with daddy.

I attempted to get pictures of all 4 kiddos together. You no, because we hardly have any of all of them together (looking at the camera).
After several tries, I remembered why. 
So solo ones will have to do.
We had so much fun! It is always fun, though, when we are all together as a family!